Plot CDF and histogram of aggregated window loss distribution 您所在的位置:网站首页 matlab flot Plot CDF and histogram of aggregated window loss distribution

Plot CDF and histogram of aggregated window loss distribution

2023-03-24 03:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

This example uses:

Signal Processing ToolboxSignal Processing ToolboxDeep Learning ToolboxDeep Learning ToolboxOpen Live Script

Load a convolutional anomaly detector trained with three-channel sinusoidal signals. Display the model, threshold, and window properties of the detector.

load sineWaveAnomalyDetector DD = deepSignalAnomalyDetectorCNN with properties: IsTrained: 1 NumChannels: 3 Model Information ModelType: 'conv' FilterSize: 8 NumFilters: 32 NumDownsampleLayers: 2 DownsampleFactor: 2 DropoutProbability: 0.2000 Threshold Information Threshold: 0.0510 ThresholdMethod: 'contaminationFraction' ThresholdParameter: 0.0100 Window Information WindowLength: 1 OverlapLength: 'auto' WindowLossAggregation: 'mean'

Load the file sineWaveAnomalyData.mat, which contains two sets of synthetic three-channel sinusoidal signals.

sineWaveNormal contains the 10 sinusoids used to train the convolutional anomaly detector. Each signal has a series of small-amplitude impact-like imperfections but otherwise has stable amplitude and frequency.

sineWaveAbnormal contains three signals of similar length and amplitude to the training data. One of the signals has an abrupt, finite-time change in frequency. Another signal has a finite-duration amplitude change in one of its channels. A third has random spikes in each channel.

Plot three normal signals and the three signals with anomalies.

load sineWaveAnomalyData tiledlayout(3,2,TileSpacing="compact",Padding="compact") rnd = randperm(length(sineWaveNormal)); for kj = 1:length(sineWaveAbnormal) nexttile plot(sineWaveNormal{rnd(kj)}) title("Normal Signal") nexttile plot(sineWaveAbnormal{kj}) title("Signal with Anomalies") end

Use the plotLossDistribution function to display the cumulative distribution function and probability histogram of the window loss distribution computed by the detector over the set of signals with anomalies. The plot also includes the manually specified threshold.

clf plotLossDistribution(D,sineWaveAbnormal)






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